Working Papers
Visit SSRN or ResearchGate for some of my working papers.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Ploog JN, Rietveld J (2024). Rolling the Dice: Resolving Demand Uncertainty In Markets With Partial Network Effects. Academy of Management Journal, In-Press.
Benischke M, Rietveld J, Slangen, A (2023) Within-Firm Variation in the Liability of Foreignness: A Demand-Based Perspective. Journal of Management, 49(5): 1738-1765.
Rietveld J, Ploog JN (2022) On Top of The Game? The Double-Edged Sword of Incorporating Social Features into Freemium Products. Strategic Management Journal, 43(6): 1182-1207.
Rietveld J, Seamans R, Meggiorin, K (2021) Market Orchestrators: The Effects of Certification on Platforms and Their Complementors. Strategy Science, 6(3): 244-264.
Rietveld J, Schilling MA (2021) Platform Competition: A Systematic and Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature. Journal of Management, 47(6): 1528–1563.
Rietveld J, Ploog J, Nieborg D (2020) Coevolution of Platform Dominance and Governance Strategies: Effects on Complementor Performance Outcomes. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(3): 488-513.
Bellavitis C, Rietveld J, Filatotchev I (2020) The Effects of Repeated Co-Investments on the Performance of VC Syndicates: A Relational Agency Perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(2): 240-264.
Rietveld J, Schilling MA, Bellavitis C (2019) Platform Strategy: Managing Ecosystem Value Through Selective Promotion of Complements. Organization Science, 30(6): 1232-1251.
Rietveld J, Eggers JP (2018) Demand Heterogeneity in Platform Markets: Implications for Complementors. Organization Science, 29(2): 304-322.
Rietveld J (2018) Creating and Capturing Value from Freemium Business Models: A Demand-Side Perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12(2): 171-193.
Broekhuizen TL, Lampel J, Rietveld J (2013) New horizons or a strategic mirage? Artist-led-distribution versus alliance strategy in the video game industry. Research Policy, 42(4): 954-964.